Thursday, 29 August 2019

3(C). How current trends is relevant to Boilermaking workshop in terms of using it

It is useful since I saw the CCTV camera at WVTC during my teaching practice in Boilermaking workshop whereby, this new trade allow trainees to be more engaged on their school activities and also consider safety precaution as their first priority in the workshop (this normally focused on learner-centered). Because they know trainer is busy watching them through CCTV camera. It also help trainer to be able to control trainees movement in the workshop and it reduce time cost to rectify trainees mistakes when they are practice on tasks or activity. Since trainer will just observe trainees while in the office and this ICT is part of to facilitating to. Trainer can use this during assessment process as method of collecting evidence as well.  Example, for trainees who like horseplay in the workshop and when accident happened in the workshop he/she can able to reward back to see what/who caused the accident. 

Because we are now living in the world of digital technology, to obtain effective training in TVET system I am urging the recognition organisation such as NTA at least to provide this current trend (CCTV camera) in Boilermaking area to all centre within Namibia. Reason being for TVET system to lead by example. And most of the companies in the  industries sector they are already adapt to this trend.   

3(C). Current  trends in the use of ICTs in Boilermaking workshop.

Technology is advancing on daily basis in vocational environment worldwide. And also is not exceptions in technical education especially in Boilermaking when it comes to equipment and machines in the use of ICTs. This will allow trainees and trainers to use present and future opportunity for development as individual, industries market and society. Example, in olden days during practice or assessment  process in TVET environment trainers/assessors do direct observation as a methods of collecting evidence to make judgement to trainees in order to evaluate them. Supporting my previous sentence  with another example, during my teaching practice at WVTC in Boilermaking workshop area trainer are using the CCTV camera for assessment process and practical process in order to evaluate trainees performances during training and assessment process.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

2(B). Reflection, negative experience with the ICT for teaching, what are the changes and why?

At the vtcs where I was busy with my teaching practice they only have one projector which is being shared by trades. So this distract me since i have to fix everything in front of trainees to present a lesson of which most of the letters were not so clear visible due to failier in adjustment and connection. There was also disconnect between me and my trainees whereby i have to face the projector and screen instead facing to trainees.

There are changes I will do by dividing them into groups and provide them with group activity to develop a cylindrical pipe template. Therefore, I will advise them to bring their digital camera or cellphone so they record and take pictures when they are busy doing practice. By doing this I am giving each and every trainee opportunity to participate and feel how the real life work is being done. All the records and pictures they have taken we will use them to rectify their mistake and find where to improve in the next lesson. This will  obvious enhance trainees learning skills, knowledge, problem solving as well as their thinking skills.
2(B) Reflection on how I used ICTs tool in classroom of Boilermaking focusing on trainees response and positive experience with ICT for teaching 

At teaching practice I used PowerPoint as an ICT tools of which I made short note and I attached different images and video to support the content. Using this ICT tool to help trainees to stay focused and motivated because trainees were engaged  and interact with the content and with other trainees. Therefore, trainees were so excited since they never had a lesson in PowerPoint before with their instructors.  The positive experience I had during my class period was that trainees learned the real life object of what is happening in the industries compared to what they are being taught in the training environment regarding the images and video I showed. "Ms so meaning that this is real!  because of what we are getting from the training is for really like what is happening in the industry market regarding the images and video you showed in the lesson" stated by trainees. 

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

1 (A). Using of ICTs tools to upgrade teaching and learning in Boilermaking trade

I am suggesting that to obtain effective transfer of knowledge and skills in a competency manner, a trainer is expected to give quality training to trainees when make use of ICTs tool such as laptop and projector (PowerPoint). Example, in Boilermaking trade when i give theoretical lesson on how to developing cylindrical pipe template, I used a video in PowerPoint to show them steps on how to obtain a cylindrical pipe template just to support the topic (content) I presented. Regarding the ICTs tools mentioned and with the same topic it helps a trainer to guide trainees to implement their learning as well as brainstorming as individual. it will also help trainees to reflect back to what they have learned during the lecturing time or to what they have experience in the industry during the job attachment period. the bad way of using ICTs tool sometime it is critical to use but only if is not utilised properly. Attached below is a video with good example of how to develop cylindrical pipe template that i showed to trainees during presentation.